
Minimum Advertised Price

1. Introduction

This Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) Policy has been established by CloudKii, a DBA of QwertyFace Media LLC, to ensure the integrity of our brand and the value of our products in the marketplace. The MAP applies to all resellers who sell or promote CloudKii products. This policy is non-negotiable and applies to all advertisements of CloudKii software by resellers.

2. Minimum Advertised Price

The minimum advertised price for all CloudKii software products shall be no less than the prices listed below, unless otherwise agreed in writing by CloudKii:

3. Advertising Guidelines

  • Resellers are required to advertise CloudKii software at or above the MAP in all forms of public-facing promotions, including but not limited to websites, online marketplaces, social media, emails, and print media.

  • Price advertising below the MAP in any form violates this policy. This includes all promotions, coupons, discounts, rebates, and other incentives that effectively reduce the advertised price below the MAP.

  • Pricing that can be seen by the public

4. Exemptions

Resellers may offer discounts or rebates in private customer negotiations as long as these promotions are not advertised.

Resellers may offer discounts or rebates in private customer negotiations as long as these promotions are not advertised.

5. Enforcement

CloudKii will monitor advertised prices across reseller channels to ensure compliance. Any violation of the MAP policy will result in the following actions:

  • First Violation: Written warning and a 7-day period to correct the violation.

  • Second Violation: Temporary suspension of reseller rights for 30 days.

  • Third Violation: Termination of reseller rights and prohibition from selling CloudKii products in the future.

6. Modifications to the Policy

CloudKii reserves the right to modify, update, or discontinue this MAP policy at any time. Any changes will be communicated to all resellers in writing with a minimum of 30 days' notice before they take effect.

7. Contact Information

For any questions regarding this MAP policy, please contact CloudKii at:

Email: [email protected]

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